General Stock Hologram Label Designs No. 31-No.35 No.36-No.40 No.41-No.45 No.46-No.50 No.51-No.55 No.56-No.60 No.61-No.65 No.66-No.70 No.71-No.75 No.76-No.80
New General design No.51 Dot matrix Hologram. QC Hologram, shining background with kinetic movement
20mm*20mm. 'QC Passed' Hologram
Dot matrix QC Passed Hologram Label. Hologram Label cutting can be circle, oval and special shape which is smaller than 20mm*20mm. Hologram Label can in color of silver, golden and blue. It can be made into transparent Hologram too.

New General design No.52 Dot matrix Hologram. SECURE Hologram, kinetic movement
20mm*20mm. 'SECURE' Hologram
2D/3D Hologram Label. Hologram Label cutting can be circle, oval and special shape which is smaller than 20mm*20mm. Hologram Label can in color of silver, golden and blue. It can be made into transparent Hologram too.

New General design No.53 SECURE Hologram, kinetic movement with Guilloche lines
25mm*15mm . SECURE Hologram
Dot Matrix Hologram Label. Hologram Label cutting can be circle, oval and special shape which is smaller than 20mm*20mm. Hologram Label can in color of silver, golden and blue. It can be made into transparent Hologram too.
New General design No.54 VALID Hologram, kinetic movement
15mm*15mm . VALIDHologram
Dot Matrix Hologram Label. Hologram Label cutting can be circle, oval and special shape which is smaller than 15mm*15mm. Hologram Label can in color of silver, golden and blue. It can be made into transparent Hologram too.
New General design No.55 VALID Hologram, kinetic movement
15mm*15mm . VALID Hologram
Dot Matrix Hologram Label. Hologram Label cutting can be circle, oval and special shape which is smaller than 15mm*15mm. Hologram Label can in color of silver, golden and blue. It can be made into transparent Hologram too.
General Stock Hologram Label Designs No. 31-No.35 No.36-No.40 No.41-No.45 No.46-No.50 No.51-No.55 No.56-No.60 No.61-No.65 No.66-No.70 No.71-No.75 No.76-No.80 |